
Updated - Mar 01, 2021

A Message on Security

We deeply value the importance of security in the crypto space.

  • We will never ask for ANY of your private keys.
  • We will never ask for any personal data beyond an email address - which is used soley for the purpose of giving you an account to login to, and recover if you lose access.

All your exchange data is sync'd through read-only API keys. We will only ever need read-only access, and will not accept API keys with trading/withdrawing capabilities

Our website traffic runs entirely over encrypted SSL (https).
We use SQL injection filters and verify the authenticity of POST, PUT, and DELETE requests to prevent CSRF attacks.
We hash all passwords stored in the database.

You can delete all your account data at any time for any reason. This deletes all your wallets, exchanges, transactions, trade history, and all other linked account information. This action is irreversible.

We will never sell your crypto data to third parties.

Last Updated: March 1, 2024