Using The Bitcoin Fiat Currency Converter Feature on CMM
By CMM Team - 20-Jan-2020
Called the Math Lab, this widget in the sticky tool bar on the right side of the website is one of the most useful tools in the Coin Market Manager dashboard.
Math Lab is a great place in the CMM dashboard to play around with various calculators on the fly that help with unit conversions, percent changes, and other risk management tools. This explainer focuses on one specific tool – the currency converter. At some point, every trader has needed to convert crypto currency units to any number of fiat currency units. CMM helps calculate these numbers in just a few clicks.
What is the currency converter?
Traders using CMM can simply enter either an amount of bitcoin or a fiat currency into the provided fields. Select from a drop-down menu with over 160 currencies to choose the currency to convert to. The screenshot below shows the calculator interface.
Outside of trading, if users ever need to make a payment in crypto or receive payment in crypto, they can simply enter the value they expect to receive and calculate the amount of bitcoin that should be sent or paid. Then view the currency conversion rate that was used for the calculation.
The image below shows each of these fields in the calculator.